This weblog is lunched to help the dear non-Iranian pilgrims to prform a comfortable spiritual pilgrimage to the holy shrine of Imam Riza(A.S) in Mashhad, Iran
A Lexicon of Islamic Mysticism and Philosophy, compiled by Azim Sarvdalir and prefaced by Dr. Hajj Muhammad Legenhausen, includes more than 8000 technical terms of Islamic Mysticism and philosophy arranged both from (Farsi-English) and (English -Farsi).Most of the terms are mysticism and only a small number are from philosophy and that is why philosophy has been added to the name. The Lexicon was published by Marandiz Publication in Mashad, Iran.The price is 24000 toomans, about 25 US dollars. You may buy the Lexicom from the following addresses
Mashad:90 Danishsara 8, Abkooh Av. Mashad, Iran.Tel:021-7274765. Fax:021-7251302
Every day after the morning and Isha prayers you see some Khoddam sitting roundtheDār -us-salām portico and conducting Ṣuffah ceremony. They set candlesticks and book racks with the Qur'anonthem before them and recite some verses of the holy Qur'an. Then each person recites a phrase of Khāje Naṣir’s Tawassulprayer. Of course not all of them recite it, rather only fourteen Khuddām who have memorized theholy Qur'an by heart do it. The other Khoddam are attending there only to add to the glory of theceremony. You will see the head Khādim of the shift is sitting between those 14 Khoddam. At the end they collect the book racks and candlesticks ceremoniously and recite Sura al-Fātiḥa and al-Tawḥid for ImāmRiḍā (A.S)
اِنَّ الله عَزَّوجلَّ ... اَمَرَ بالشُکْرِ لَه ولِلْوالِدینِ فمن لَمْ یَشْکُرِ والِدَیهِ لَم یَشْکُرِ الله
خداوند عزّوجل امر به تشکر از خود و پدر و مادر نموده است پس کسی که سپاس گزار پدر و مادرش نباشد در حقیقت خدا را شکر نکرده است.
الخصال ص 156
English Translation
Verily, God, the Mighty and Magnificent, ordered gratitude for Him and for parents; for one who is not grateful to one's parents is not grateful to God.
ترجمه اندونزی:
Imam Ridha as berkata:" Sesungguhnya Allah swt memerintahkan hambanya supaya bersyukur kepadanya dan kepada kedua orang tuanya, oleh karena itu barang siapa yang tidak bersyukur kepada kedua orang tuanya maka pada hakikatnya ia tidak bersyukur kepada Allah swt".( Al-Khishal, halaman 156)
ترجمۂ اردو:
خداوندعالمنےاپنااوروالدینکاشکریہاداکرنےکاحکمدیاہے۔لہٰذااگر کسی نے اپنے والدین کا شکریہ ادا نہ کیا گویااسنےاللہکاشکرادانہیںکیا۔
هر کس وظائف خود را نسبت به مؤمنان انجام دهد خداوند و فرشتگان به او مباهات میکنند.
ترجمه انگلیسی:
God and His angels are proud of all those who perform their responsibilities in the affairs of the believers
ترجمه اندونزی:
Imam Ridha as berkata: Barang siapa yang melakukan kewajibannya terhadap orang-orang mu'min maka Allah swt dan para malaikat akan bangga dengannya.( Mustadrak Al-wasail,jilid 2 halaman 413).
ترجمۂ اردو:
جو شخص مومنین کے سلسلہ میںاپنے فرائض کو انجام دیتا ہے، خداوند عالماور ملائکہ اس پر فخر و مباھات کرتے ہیں۔
It was night. The sky just like an angry lion was roaring successively, and from time to time horrible lightning made everywhere light up. The family including me, my wife and the five children were sitting around the table cloth spread for dinner. I had a glance at the five pale faces lacking any smile on their lips, the waves of a mysterious amazement were reflecting from them. I wonder why I felt their look was filled with hostility, fear, uncertainty, and abjectness. Maybe they were waiting for a storm which had previously happened on many occasions. There was another lightning flash followed by a frightening thunder clap that vibrated all the glass panels. My little daughter screamed and threw herself into her mother’s arms.
There are many traditions concerning the merit of Imam Reza’s (A.S.) Ziyarah (pilgrimage) in general, and in some its thawab (spiritual reward) is concerned to be equal to that of the martyrdom of the martyrs of Badr, and in still other traditions its thawab is considered equal to that of a hajj pilgrimage. Ja’far ibn Muhammad ibn Qulawayh narrates the following tradition from Hassan ibn Abd Allah, from his father, Abd Allah ibn Muhammad ibn Isa,from Dawud Sarmi, who narrates from Abu Ja’far the Second ,Imam Muhammad al-Taqi (A.S.), ninth Holy Imam, saying: I heard him say, “Whoever visits my father’s tomb shall enter paradise."(1)
Peace be upon you! 0 Members of the Holy Household of Prophethood, and the holders of the position of the Prophetic mission and the place where angels will come and go: the landing sites for the descension of revelations; the Treasurers of Affection; the Treasurers of Knowledge; the limits of patience; the fundamentals of magnanimity; the Commanders of the nations; the Masters of the pious ones; the Sources of benevolence; the Pillars of the company of the good; the Managers of the affairs of the servants (i.e. the people); the Chiefs of the towns; the Gates to belief; the Trustees of the Merciful (God); the Progeny of the Prophets; the Elite of the Messengers; and the best progeny created by the Lord of the Two Worlds. And may God's Grace and His Blessings be upon you.
Welcom to my weblog. This weblog has been lunched to help the non-Iranian pilgrims perform a comfortable spiritual pilgrimage to the holy shrine of Imam Riza (A.S) in Mashhad, Iran and give an enjoyable visit to the city.
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