Welcome to the Holy Shrine of Imam Riza-A.S
This weblog is lunched to help the dear non-Iranian pilgrims to prform a comfortable spiritual pilgrimage to the holy shrine of Imam Riza(A.S) in Mashhad, Iran

uffah ceremony

Every day after the morning and Isha prayers you see some Khoddam sitting roundthe Dār -us-salām portico and conducting uffah ceremony. They set candlesticks and book racks with the Qur'anonthem before them and recite some verses of the holy Qur'an. Then each person recites a phrase of Khāje Nair’s Tawassulprayer. Of course not all of them recite it, rather only fourteen Khuddām who have memorized theholy Qur'an by heart do it. The other Khoddam  are attending there only to add to the glory of the  ceremony. You will see the head Khādim of the shift is sitting between those 14 Khoddam. At the end they collect the book racks and candlesticks ceremoniously and recite Sura al-Fātia and al-Tawid for ImāmRiā (A.S)

ارسال شده در تاریخ : پنج شنبه 11 اسفند 1390برچسب:Azim Sarvdalir,Imam Reza,Mashhad,Iran,Ziyarah,Khorasan Razavi,Translation Workshop in Mashhad,, :: 9:34 :: توسط : Azim Sarvdalir

1-    قال الرضا علیه السلام:

اِنَّ الله عَزَّوجلَّ ... اَمَرَ بالشُکْرِ لَه ولِلْوالِدینِ فمن لَمْ یَشْکُرِ والِدَیهِ لَم یَشْکُرِ الله

خداوند عزّوجل امر به تشکر از خود و پدر و مادر نموده است پس کسی که سپاس گزار پدر و مادرش نباشد در حقیقت خدا را شکر نکرده است.

                                                                              الخصال ص 156

English Translation

Verily, God, the Mighty and Magnificent, ordered gratitude for Him and for parents; for one who is not grateful to one's parents is not grateful to God.

ترجمه اندونزی:

Imam Ridha as berkata:" Sesungguhnya Allah swt memerintahkan hambanya supaya bersyukur kepadanya dan kepada kedua orang tuanya, oleh karena itu barang siapa yang tidak bersyukur kepada kedua orang tuanya maka pada hakikatnya ia tidak bersyukur kepada Allah swt".( Al-Khishal, halaman 156)

ترجمۂ اردو:


خداوندعالمنےاپنااوروالدینکاشکریہاداکرنےکاحکمدیاہے۔لہٰذااگر کسی نے اپنے والدین کا شکریہ ادا نہ کیا  گویااسنےاللہکاشکرادانہیںکیا۔


2-    قال الرضا علیه السلام:

مَن فَعَلَ مٰا لَزِمَهُ مِن أَمرِ المُؤمنینَ بٰاهیٰ اللهُ تَعٰالَیٰ بِهِ وَمَلائِکَـــتُهُ

هر کس وظائف خود را نسبت به مؤمنان انجام دهد خداوند و فرشتگان به او مباهات می‌کنند.


ترجمه انگلیسی:

God and His angels are proud of all those who perform their responsibilities in the affairs of the believers

ترجمه اندونزی:

Imam Ridha as berkata: Barang siapa yang melakukan kewajibannya terhadap orang-orang mu'min maka Allah swt dan para malaikat akan bangga dengannya.( Mustadrak Al-wasail,jilid 2 halaman 413).


ترجمۂ اردو:

جو شخص مومنین کے سلسلہ میں  اپنے فرائض کو انجام دیتا ہے، خداوند عالم  اور ملائکہ اس پر فخر و مباھات کرتے ہیں۔    



A Reward for a patient wife

            It was night. The sky just like an angry lion was roaring successively, and from time to time horrible lightning made everywhere light up. The family including me, my wife and the five children were sitting around the table cloth spread for dinner. I had a glance at the five pale faces lacking any smile on their lips, the waves of a mysterious amazement were reflecting from them. I wonder why I felt their look was filled with hostility, fear, uncertainty, and abjectness. Maybe they were waiting for a storm which had previously happened on many occasions. There was another lightning flash followed by a frightening thunder clap that vibrated all the glass panels. My little daughter screamed and threw herself into her mothers arms.

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درباره وبلاگ
Welcom to my weblog. This weblog has been lunched to help the non-Iranian pilgrims perform a comfortable spiritual pilgrimage to the holy shrine of Imam Riza (A.S) in Mashhad, Iran and give an enjoyable visit to the city.
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برای تبادل لینک  ابتدا ما را با عنوان Welcome to the Holy Shrine of Imam Riza-A.S و آدرس imam-riza-holy-shrine.LoxBl og.ir لینک نمایید سپس مشخصات لینک خود را در زیر نوشته . در صورت وجود لینک ما در سایت شما لینکتان به طور خودکار در سایت ما قرار میگیرد.

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بازدید امروز : 21
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