Ṣuffah ceremony
Every day after the morning and Isha prayers you see some Khoddam sitting roundthe Dār -us-salām portico and conducting Ṣuffah ceremony. They set candlesticks and book racks with the Qur'anonthem before them and recite some verses of the holy Qur'an. Then each person recites a phrase of Khāje Naṣir’s Tawassulprayer. Of course not all of them recite it, rather only fourteen Khuddām who have memorized theholy Qur'an by heart do it. The other Khoddam are attending there only to add to the glory of the ceremony. You will see the head Khādim of the shift is sitting between those 14 Khoddam. At the end they collect the book racks and candlesticks ceremoniously and recite Sura al-Fātiḥa and al-Tawḥid for ImāmRiḍā (A.S)
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